Interested in becoming a more stylish person? Today, we’re going to be showing you the top 12 habits of every stylish man.
For some people, becoming a stylish person takes absolutely no effort at all. In fact, if you get yourself into the habit of looking stylish, it will quickly become something that you just do naturally and without a second thought.
Below we will be discussing 12 of the habits that all stylish men fall into, so let’s get right into it.
Habit #1 – Get a Monthly Haircut
Getting a haircut once a month can go a long way. You can go to bed one-night feeling on top of the world, and wake up the next again day realising that you badly need a haircut. Save yourself the worry and pay for a haircut in advance, that way you feel compelled to get a haircut on a monthly basis.
You’ll find that a lot of businessmen get a haircut every couple of weeks, while others get a haircut and shave once a week. Everyone’s different, but taking care of your hair can really make you look a lot more stylish.
Habit #2 – Maintain Your Clothes
There’s nothing worse than waking up and looking for the outfit that you want to wear, only to realise that you’ve not ironed it or you still haven’t washed it. This is frustrating and disappointing.
Get into the routine of washing your clothes, ironing what needs to be ironed, and hanging your clean clothes in your wardrobe so that they’re ready to be worn at a moment’s notice.
On top of that, make sure that you clean your shoes regularly and shine them too. If your suit jacket needs repaired, don’t put it off. As soon as you realise that a repair is needed, get to work.
Habit #3 – Keep Your House in Order
Organization is key. If you want to wear a certain pair of shoes, you should be able to instantly know where they are. If you’re looking for a specific tie to wear, you should know where to find it.
Everything in your home should have a place, especially your clothes. Designate everything its own space in your wardrobe so that you know where everything is and don’t spend more time than necessary trying to find your favourite shirt.
On top of this, following on from Habit #2, as soon as you’ve washed and ironed your clothes, put them straight into your wardrobe.
Habit #4 – Have a Black Suit Pressed and Ready
Special events can arise without warning at any moment and by having a black (or dark coloured) suit washed, pressed, and at the ready, you can save yourself a lot of time and it allows you to focus on looking good.
You never know when you’ll be invited out for dinner with your boss, when you’ll next be out on a date, or even just when you want to change up your style for a day. Always be prepared.
Habit #5 – Only Wear Workout Clothes for Working Out
There’s no denying that workout clothing can be comfortable for a lazy day indoors, but it’s a bad habit to start wearing workout clothes when you aren’t working out.
Even if you have a tight schedule and don’t have time to change out of your workout clothes, make the time.
Habit #6 – Buy Multiples of Clothing That You Love to Wear
If you have a particular shirt that you like the look of or that you find comfortable to wear, make sure that you buy a few duplicates of that same shirt. If you don’t and you only have one of that shirt, you will find yourself tempted to wear an unclean shirt.
Not only that but by having several of the same shirt you can feel as good as you look more often!
Habit #7 – Get Rid of Old Clothes
It’s hard to get rid of your old clothes, especially if you’ve grown out of a jacket that you really liked. But, getting rid of old and worn out clothes is an important part of becoming a stylish man.
By getting rid of old clothes, you can stop your wardrobe from becoming packed with your worn (and out of style) clothing, and will also be able to prevent clutter from building up.
Habit #8 – Compromise Between Style and Comfort
When you’re getting dressed and you’re choosing what to wear, there are two things to consider. First, consider how stylish you will look wearing it. Second, ask yourself whether the outfit will be comfortable.
Most people choose comfort over style, but if you choose your outfit carefully then you can find the perfect combination and remain comfortable while at the same time, looking stylish.
Habit #9 – Dress Appropriately for the Occasion
Regardless of what the occasion is, you are always able to dress stylishly – no doubt about it.
If it’s an important business meeting, bring your A-game. If you’re going to play a round of golf with your friends, dress as you would for a meeting but step back a bit – get rid of the jacket and wear a sweatshirt.
Use your judgement and always dress appropriately.
Habit #10 – Take Care of Your Shoes
Your shoes are one of the most important aspects of your outfit. If you saw someone walk into a meeting wearing worn and dirty old shoes, you’d instantly realise that they’re having a bit of a “wardrobe malfunction”.
On the other hand, if someone walks into a meeting and they’re wearing shiny and clean shoes, they’d instantly convey professionalism and it would be clear to everyone that they mean business.
Take care of your shoes by keeping them clean, polishing them once a week, and not overusing them. Also, just as you would with your clothes, get a new pair of shoes when your current ones begin to look worn out.
Habit #11 – Be Open to New Ideas
You should always be open to some new fashion ideas when you’re considering becoming a more stylish man. You don’t need to be a dandy for sure.
You see, while not everyone is open to new ideas and they’re set in their ways, if you want to come across as stylish or you’re interested in taking your appearance to the next level, looking at some different clothes is something to consider.
If you’re really unsure on what clothes you should buy to be more stylish, live life on the edge and just buy something that you wouldn’t usually buy. Who knows, you might find a new outfit.
Habit #12 – Don’t Let Time Be Your Limit
Prepare your outfits in advance and give yourself plenty of time to get ready each morning. Time management should always be a priority if you want to look stylish.
Give yourself plenty of time each day to get your outfit ready and to get dressed exactly how you want to. If you rush to get ready every morning than you wouldn’t look nearly as good as you would if you took your time.
Some men are born stylish, while most of us have to force ourselves into a stylish routine. If you put in the effort, know how stylish you want to be, and you’re willing to make a change to the way that you dress, then you can quickly become a stylish man in no time at all.